Welcome to the parish of St Mary Bourne and Woodcott (comprising Binley, Dunley, Egbury, St Mary Bourne, Stoke, Wadwick, Woodcott and The Wykes). You have picked a great parish to live in and we hope you will be happy here.
The parish operates a Welcome Project to help new residents settle into their life here, providing both a friendly face and local information.

A Friendly Face:
Hopefully, a nearby neighbour (or two!) will have spotted that you have moved in and knocked on the door to welcome you to the parish and to offer any help.
Welcome Booklet:
If you are new to the parish and have not received your printed copy, or for amendments, please email: – to request one.
Alternatively, you can request an electronic version and one will be emailed to you.
For any updates / amendments to the current booklet, please email:
A Welcome Drink:
As part of the Welcome Project, a drinks reception is held regularly to welcome new residents ‘officially’ to the parish. The relaxed evening gives newcomers an opportunity to meet other new residents and to find out more about the villages and parish by chatting to representatives of different local organisations and clubs.
The next Welcome Evening will be held on Tuesday 5th November, 7.30pm in the StMB Village Centre. To sign up for this event, please complete the form below, or email