Please bring all entries to the Horticultural Tent, between 8am and 10am, on the morning of the Show. No pre-registration is required. Any entries arriving after 10am may be displayed but will not be judged.

Prize money is £5 for 1st, £3 for 2nd and £1 for 3rd place. Dog Show winners will receive a Rosette only. Children’s Class winnings ONLY can be collected from the Horticultural Tent from 1.30pm. All other classes can be collected from 2.30pm.
The McClenaghan Salver
Donated by Mac and Betty McClenaghan, Elizabeth Maclay’s parents, during their time at Sladen Green, Binley (between 1948 and 1982). Mac McClenaghan was High Sherriff of Hampshire.
The Capt T H Hudson Challenge Cup

Captain Hudson lived at Dene House, Binley. He grew an enormous quantity of fruit and vegetables in glasshouses and employed many locals.
The Stewart McCallum Memorial Cup

The Sir Geoffrey Watson Challenge Cup

Sir Geoffrey lived in Egbury
The Fuller Challenge Cup

We believe this cup was donated during the 1970’s by the Fullers of Wakeswood, St Mary Bourne. The family ran Taskers Trailers in Andover (now known as Andover Trailers). Mr Chudleigh was Head Gardener, John Capindale was Head Pigman and Ron Grunsell was a part time gardener.
The Rochford Challenge Cup

The Rochford family bought Dene House in Binley from Captain Hudson
The David Mitchell Rose Bowl

Donated by Sir David Mitchell, MP and councillor, in the 1970’s
The Mrs Swatton Memorial Cup

Donated by Lesley Jeffrey in 2016 in memory of her grandmother, Dorothy Swatton, who was an avid exhibitor at the Flower Show.
The St Quintin Challenge Bowl

Donated by Peter and Camilla St Quintin in 2015. Both long-standing Committee members, Peter first joined in the 1970’s, has served as Chairman and President from 2004 – 2023.
The Burr Memorial Cup and Prize

Harry Burr of Priors Farm, Stone was Councillor and Chairman of the Parish Council for many years. He named the local amateur dramatics society, Priors Players, after his farm in the 1980’s.
The Gray Family Cup
Donated in the late 1990’s by Maurice Gray, Chair of the St Mary Bourne and Area Conservation Society, who lived with his family in Green Lodge, Gangbridge Lane.
The Diana Smith Celebration Cake stand

An Ash wood cake stand was commissioned by the Hort Soc in 2007 to celebrate the Flower Shows Diamond Anniversary (70 years). It was named after Di Smith in recognition of her long standing support for the Show and encouragement to Enham residents to enter the domestic classes in Section H.
A Bourne Valley Pick-your-Own Voucher
Donated by the Cully family in 1986 when the Pick-Your-Own first began.
The Burlison Photography Prize
Dave & Janice Burlison who live in the High Street, StMB and run a local, award winning photography business, have donated a prize since 2009.
A Silver Photograph frame to be awarded to the overall best in the Photograph Section
How to Enter
Please bring all entries to the Horticultural Tent between 8am – 10am on the morning of the Show. Pre-registration is not required. Any entries received after 10am may be displayed but will not be entered for Judging. Entrants will be required to complete an entry card advising the Class Number on one side and their details on the other. Any entry cards without correct details will be disqualified.
The Marquee will close for Judging between 10am – 1pm.
Exhibits may be removed from 4pm. Any entries not removed by 4,30pm will be entered into the Auction. All Showstopper Cake entries will be Auctioned.
Prize giving will take place in the Horticultural Tent at 4.15pm, followed by the Auction.
Horticultural Show Entry Rules